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Overweight and risk factors in university students during a graduation course/SOBREPESO E SEUS FATORES DE RISCO EM ESTUDANTES UNIVERSITARIOS DURANTE UM CURSO DE GRADUACAO
Amanda Silva de Oliveira,Alexandre Azenha Alves de Rezende,Luciana Karen Calabria
Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of overweight associated with risk factors and the lifestyle of university students at the time of their entry and graduation on university. Materials and Methods: A transversal study was carried out with 34 students from a public university in Ituiutaba-MG, Brazil, who answered a semi-structured questionnaire about healthy eating and physical activity practice. Anthropometric measures of weight, height and hip and abdominal circumference were measured, in addition to lipid profile analysis. Results: The data obtained showed an increase in the overweight profile (+14,7%) of university students at the end of the course, but there was a reduction in the number of individuals with increased waist circumference (-17,7%) and a relation with waist/hip inadequacy (-13.2%). Regarding risk factors, there was an increase in the number of students who considered their diet unhealthy (+23,5%) and did not practice physical activity (+17,7%). The lipid profile analysis showed a decrease in the risk of triglycerides (-4,4%), total cholesterol (-8,9%) and its fractions HDLc (-45,7%) and LDLc (-17,7%). Conclusion: It is concluded that the population of university students investigated presents risk factors for overweight, and that diet patterns should be modified and the sedentary lifestyle should be avoided, aiming to prevent chronic noncommunicable diseases and to improve quality of life. Key word: Sedentary Behavior. Healthy Diet. Life Style. Anthropometry. Objetivo: Avaliar a prevalencia do excesso de peso associado aos fatores de risco e o estilo de vida de estudantes universitarios no momento do ingresso e fim da graduacao. Materiais e Metodos: Estudo de carater transversal, realizado com 34 estudantes de uma Universidade publica em Ituiutaba-MG, que responderam questionario semiestruturado sobre alimentacao saudavel e pratica de atividade fisica. Medidas antropometricas de peso, estatura e circunferencias abdominal e de quadril foram aferidas, alem da analise do perfil lipidico. Resultados: Os dados obtidos revelaram aumento no perfil de sobrepeso (+14,7%) dos universitarios ao final do curso, porem houve reducao no numero de individuos com circunferencia de cintura inadequada aumentada (-17,7%) e com a relacao cintura/quadril inadequada (-13,2%). Com relacao aos fatores de risco, houve aumento do numero de estudantes que consideravam sua alimentacao nao saudavel (+23,5%) e nao praticavam atividade fisica (+17,7%). A analise do perfil lipidico apresentou diminuicao nos valores de risco de triglicerides (-4,4%), colesterol total (-8,9%) e suas fracoes HDLc (45,7%) e LDLc (-17,7%). Conclusao: Concluise que a populacao de universitarios investigada apresenta fatores de risco para sobrepeso, e que os padroes alimentares devem ser modificados e o sedentarismo deve ser combatido, visando assim, a prevencao das doencas cronicas nao transmissiveis e a melhoria da qualidade de vida. Palavras-chave: Comportamento sedentario. Dieta saudavel. Estilo de Vida. Antropometria.